Registered Voters
In the coming year, do you expect your personal family finances to get better, get worse, or stay about the same?
Get better Get worse Stay about the same
Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 20% 25% 55%
Region New York City 26% 20% 54%
Suburbs 20% 26% 54%
Upstate 16% 28% 56%
Income less $50,000 22% 31% 47%
$50,000-$99,999 15% 27% 58%
$100,000 or more 23% 18% 58%
Education Not college graduate 20% 28% 52%
College graduate 20% 22% 58%
Race White 16% 26% 57%
Non White 32% 21% 47%
Age 18 to 29 32% 23% 45%
30 to 44 27% 25% 48%
45 to 59 16% 23% 61%
60 or older 13% 29% 58%
Age Under 45 29% 25% 47%
45 or older 15% 26% 60%
Gender Men 20% 26% 54%
Women 19% 25% 56%
Households with children under 18 Household with children 23% 27% 51%
No children in household 18% 25% 57%
Marist Poll New York Registered Voters "N=1,003 MOE +/- 3%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.